Sunday, May 29, 2016

Apparently your spacer is not supposed to whistle

I've had my spacer, a holding chamber of sorts that allows me to inhale more of my asthma medication (and have less of it stick to my mouth and throat), for well over a year now.  In that time, I've been using using it incorrectly.

I would pop the mouth piece of my inhaler into the fitted chamber slot thing, depress the medication thing, and inhale.  It would make a weird whistling sound and I would think "oh, don't mind me.  Just me and my asthma meds.  No harmonica solos to see here."

Apparently, if you hear a whistling sound, it means you're inhaling too quickly.  If you don't hear a sound, it can mean that you're doing it correctly, though some spacers don't have this mechanism, so it could just mean that your spacer isn't the whistling type.

If you're unsure of how to use any of your medications, be sure to get clarification for your doctor.

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